TribeArc is using Artificial Intelligence to build SMEs

When TribeArc entered the Nigerian market for the first time, its audience hesitated to adopt the platform due to the country’s business and political environment as well as a belief system that the Nigerian Software industry is highly export-oriented, with many Companies exporting their products and services to other African countries and beyond. 

Every platform in the world however requires one formula to succeed: “Adapt or Die”. This quote which summarizes Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution means that every entity must adapt to changes in the market that occur over time or lose their presence (die). 

As the Nigerian business landscape evolves, customer retention demands embracing technological advancements. The advent of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT in 2023 has ushered in a new era of efficiency and effectiveness, revolutionizing how Nigerian businesses engage their audience.

TribeArc continues to adapt to the business industry and its use of artificial intelligence in its products, is just one of the many steps the Company is taking to transform the lives of its customers; small business owners, developers, marketers, communicators and tech startup Founders.

The AI-powered platforms process vast sums of customer data to predict their preferences accurately. This level of insight helps businesses to send personalized and relevant content to each individual, improving engagement and conversion rates. 

TribeArc allows its customers to predict which content will best resonate with each segment taking into account historical campaign data and customer interactions. This level of personalization drives higher engagement rates, smart and data-driven campaigns and fosters stronger customer loyalty.

More of its customers are experiencing higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, culminating in a significant boost to their bottom line. TribeArc’s efforts in leveraging artificial intelligence for customers to build landing pages, host online courses and manage their email marketing demonstrate its commitment to keeping them satisfied while standing the test of time.

As TribeArc continues to gain popularity and reshape the business landscape, it promises to be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes, propelling them towards sustainable and prosperous futures. The innovative platform is available on

The Tribearc team can be contacted via email on Calls and messages can be sent to +234-704-212-4554 and +234-708-000-9967 Also follow @tribearc on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

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